Thursday, March 28, 2013

Okay Lord, I Think I Get It!

You ever have a thought and then all of a sudden you read or hear something and think it just proves the thought to be true??  Well the above post showed up on my facebook page today and I believe God smacked me upside the head with it and said "Has it sunk in yet???"  Yes God it if I can just remember it always.

As I mentioned in a previous post House and I are in the process of moving to New Sharon.  We were bound and determined we would be in before school started last fall, that didnt happen,  then the goal went to be in by Thanksgiving....still not ready....Christmas??  Nope!  New Years came and we were still working away...frozen water... and slowly running out of money for the project as well..... So I started praying.  I knew House was working hard so that would could move but it wasnt like we were on a time limit on having to get out of the place we live now so like I said I started praying.  I started praying that God would show House a sign if it was time to put the project on hold for the winter (Gods will, not mine).   The next weekend we headed to the trailer as usual to work.  The kids were bundled up in snow suits so they could go sliding on the huge hill Daddy had made with dirt, now covered with snow.  Finally after atleast a half days work God put the thought in Houses head that the trailer wasnt going anywhere and would be right there when the ground thawed and it was warmer to work.   The trailer has surely been one of God's lessons on waiting, who knows how many more lessons before that I didnt pay attention to.

WAITING??? I am not a patient person by any means!  I wish I was but I am not, if its something I am looking forward to I am all excited like a kid at Christmas!  So remembering that its all in Gods timing is even worse for me.

This morning and actually quite a few times over the past week I have had a thought about a certian situation... Wait and see what happens....Do Not react too quickly or its going to cause more trouble.  The thing is they werent really huge thoughts, just random while I was doing housework, shopping,  or other things.  But finally today like I said earlier  God showed me that they were actually HUGE thoughts God was putting in my head and I was brushing them off till today that final sign showed up to set off the fireworks.

Well I said all that to also realize this....I need to pray more that I will recognize God's signs for me, and to WAIT when it is needed.

Well that is my rambling for now....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seeing God Answer Prayers

I recently finished reading the book The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. What a great book! Its a great feeling to know you are supporting your husband with prayer and an even greater feeling when you see those prayers being answered. The book is broke down into 30 areas to pray about with short stories (or testimonies) followed by a prayer for your husband and then scripture to back it up! I highly recommend this book for all wives! I now have started reading her book The Power of the Praying Parent, I will update on that one as I get more into it! :)

A little while ago I decided I needed to have a conversation with God.  I really needed His help with some things and I knew I needed to ask!  So I prayed.  I told God I know my list is long but I also know You are bigger than any list I could ever come up with.  God has answered those prayers from helping me stay motivated to do housework or the kids being more cooperative at getting ready for school in the morning.  Sometimes it takes me a little while to notice what He has done for me. But most importantly what He did for me (and everyone else) is that He sent His son to die for my sins.  I KNOW I dont deserve it but He loves me that much!  I just wanted to post a reminder with Easter coming up in a few days that its not about the bunnies, even though they are cute!!  

Well I guess that is all for now....maybe back to post more later today...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Little Bits of Background Information....

So I am a Christian, married, mother of 2 elementary aged children.  My husband and I just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary this fall.  We are in the process of moving to New Sharon, Maine and when I say "in the process"  I mean it has definitely been a process!!  But in that process it has given God many chances to show us how he provides what we need.  I can't tell you how many times we received exactly what was needed next whether is was money or supplies, right when we needed it!   He blessed us each time.  Then when is was time to put things on hold He worked that out for us too.  Which actually led to the answering of my children's prayers, to finish the school year where they are and move during summer vacation.  I also know there is much more He has done for us that we don't even realize but that is how He works!!  Also in this process He has brought new friends into our lives along with bringing us closer to friends we already had.  

My Christian background....I accepted Jesus as my savior in November of 2004 just after my son Bradford was born, but did not grow in my faith until after my daughter Megan was born in 2006.  I do my best to live a Christian life but know I fail daily because I am human.  I am still trying to figure out just what God want me to be doing in my life other than being a wife and mother.  

I met my husband in August 2001 at the Phillips Old Home Days parade and I truly believe God gave him to me.   Athanase (most people including myself call him House)  and I started dating 2 days later and were engaged 3 months later.  Talk about moving fast!  There were times when life didn't seem real because we were moving so fast but I knew the love I felt for him was different then the love I had had for anyone else in my life.  The funny thing to me was that he knew it before I did!  We got married September 7, 2002.  

Well I guess that is enough rambling for be continued!!  

Finally going to start a blog!

So I have decided to start a blog.  I have thought about this for a while now and decided it was time to just start it!!  Its not going to be about any certian thing but whatever I feel led to share with people day to day.  Hopefully anyone who reads it will enjoy it!  :)